Winners Announced for Annual Walt Disney Imaginations Design Competition

imagineeringThe winners for this year’s Walt Disney Imagination Design Competition have been announced.

This annual competition brings college students from around the country to Walt Disney Imagineering headquarters for a chance to showcase their skills. Areas covered include engineering, technical, and artistic.

Participants also have a chance to interview for a spot in Disney Imagineering.

More than 330 projects were submitted this year and just six teams were selected to visit Imagineering’s campus in Glendale, California.

The students were challenged to “apply the same design principles used in Disney parks and resorts” while they design outdoor spaces for a college campus.

This project allows students to use the same skills and abilities that Imagineers use every day on the job. The students are mentored by an Imagineer who is an alum of the program.

This year’s first place winners are Joshua Kurina, Cristina Diaz, and Alexander Doppenberg from Iowa State University. The teams won a $1,000 grand for their school.


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