Set to debut in Fall of 2011, Marvel Entertainment announced a new animated series headed for Disney’s XD channel. Unclear exactly how much the new series will emulate the comic books, ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ will focus on Peter Parker during the typical awkward & heedless teenaged years. Following Parker into becoming the hero he was meant to be, the series will feature many of the exciting confrontations he has with intimidating super-villians.
“Ultimate Spider-Man will be a unique journey exploring our favorite web-slinger as he teams up with other fan favorite Marvel Super Heroes in never before seen stories with a new life filled with great challenges, new friends, intense action and character growth,” said Eric S. Rollman, President of Marvel Animation, in a statement.
Brian Michael Bendis, ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ writer, announced on Twitter that he is not involved with the project as of yet. Marvel Entertainment has not made an official announcement on who is going to head up the creative team for this project.