Disney’s animated short “The Ballad of Nessie” puts a new spin on the Loch Ness Monster! Set in Scotland, the film follows the tale of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, and her best friend, a rubber duck named MacQuack. Of course, what Disney film would be complete without an evil counterpart? The tale really hits its stride with the introduction of MacFroogle, a greedy land developer who will stop at nothing to build a mini-golf development on top of Nessie’s home.
The movie will hit theaters in conjunction with Disney’s latest feature film, “Winnie the Pooh.” Select international audiences will be able to enjoy “The Ballad of Nessie” this spring, while the opening dates for U.S. audiences will be July 15th, 2011.
Animated in classic hand-drawn Disney style, the film was overseen by some of Disney’s top talents, including Emmy Award-winning directors Stevie Wermers-Skelton and Kevin Deters. Billy Connolly, a Scottish comedian, narrates the film.
Photo copyright Disney.