Registration Open for Animation Summer Camps at The Walt Disney Family Museum

walt-disney-family-museum--200x300The Walt Disney Family Museum is offering animation summer camps for kids ages 8-18 who want to learn more about the art of animation.

Participants can learn to create an animated story, embrace their creativity through painting and sculpture, and learn from professionals in the animation field. The camps are scheduled for June, July, and August.

The Animation Camp is for kids ages 8-10 and students can discover the world of art and animation through painting, sculpting, and creating animated tales. This camp culminates in a gallery-style showing of projects and participants will take home a portfolio of their work. The cost of this camp is $325 for members and $360 for non-members.

Kids ages 11-13 can sign up for the Animator Boot Camp Summer Intensive. This two-week program focuses on how animated films are produced, and culminates in a film festival and gallery showing of projects. Cost is $650 for members and $720 for non-members.

The Animation Production: From Sketch to Screen with Animation Collaborative is for kids ages 14-18 and gives participants a look into today’s field of animation. Students will learn directly from current working animators and artists. This class is limited to 15 students and is $820 for members and $900 for non-members. Students interested in this class must email for application information.

The Walt Disney Family Museum is located in San Francisco. To receive more information about the summer camps, email

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