Selena Gomez was scheduled to appear on “Lopez Tonight” this past week and decided that she was not going to let her strained vocal chords keep her from keeping her appointment.
The Disney Channel star, singer and movie actress opted instead to use a white board and a voice synthesizer to do her interview with Lopez. The host sent her some of the questions in advance and she programmed her answers into the synthesizer. Gomez is promoting both her upcoming album and her film Ramona and Beezus which is currently in theaters.
While the circumstances were not ideal, the participants tried to make the best of it. “I’m so sorry,” Gomez “said” through her synthesizer, “But at least it’s funny.” They also discussed her relationship with another teen idol, Justin Bieber. “I like to say his name on stage,” Gomez said, “Because if I”m performing badly, I’ll say his name and the audience will cheer.”
The interview is available on YouTube: