In 1993, Disney released the live-action film Hocus Pocus, a Halloween flick starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker as three witches that are resurrected on Halloween. While initially opening to mixed reviews, the film has developed into a cult classic, becoming one of the most beloved Halloween films through DVD sales and television broadcasts. Now, Disney may be trying to replicate the film’s success once again, as it has been reported that the company is developing a new sequel to this classic film.
While Disney has not yet confirmed the sequel, is reporting that the studio is currently in the early stages of development for the film, which is titled Hocus Pocus 2: Rise of the Elderwitch. While little is currently known about the sequel, it is expected to focus on a new witch who is set loose in suburban America, rather than bringing back the three witches from the original film. No current casting or creative team has been announced yet, but Moviehole reports that the film is currently scheduled for release sometime next year.
Stay tuned for more news about this potential sequel as it develops. Are you a Hocus Pocus fan? Would you like to see a sequel to it come to fruition? Let us know!