Comedian Seth Rogen, best known for his work in such films as Knocked Up and 50/50, has signed on as a producer of the upcoming Walt Disney Studios film The B Team. The film, which has been in development at Disney since 2008, centers on a top secret agent, whose research and tech support team are charged with the task of rescuing him when he gets kidnapped.
While the film is still in its development stage, there is also a possibility that Rogen will play a starring role in the film as well. Rogen has served as both producer and actor in a number of his previous films, including Superbad, Pineapple Express, The Green Hornet, and Knocked Up.
The B Team will feature a script by Derek Guiley and David Schneiderman (Chasing Liberty), with Ilan Breil executive producing. Charles Segars (National Treasure) will also serve as a producer on the film. Stay tuned for more information on this upcoming spy comedy.